The Portuguese Engineers Association, which represents around 62,000 engineers in Portugal, visited Windfloat Atlantic as part of the “Rotas do Bastonário – Engenharia em Movimento” initiative. This initiative, launched in November 2022 in the Azores, has since visited various regions, including Braga, Madeira and now Viana do Castelo, with a specific focus on technological advances and solutions.
As part of the work carried out on the “Blue Economy” theme within the book “Engineering XXI”, a delegation from the Order of Engineers paid a visit to the WindFloat Atlantic floating offshore wind energy project and its facilities. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the project in detail, as well as recognise its contribution to more sustainable engineering.
The highlight of this visit was the official placing of a plaque recognising WindFloat Atlantic as a project referenced in the book “Engineering XXI”, a compilation of the most emblematic solutions, works and projects of the first two decades of the 21st century, representing a significant milestone in the field of engineering.
The event took place in the presence of José Pinheiro, Ocean Winds’ Country Manager South Europe and Director of the WindFloat Atlantic Project, together with Fernando de Almeida Santos, Bastonário (English: President) of the Portuguese Engineers Association. The presence of the highest representatives of both organisations emphasised the importance of WindFloat Atlantic’s pioneering work in the fields of engineering, floating technology and energy transition.
WindFloat Atlantic continues to set the standard for sustainable energy projects, demonstrating leadership in engineering excellence and environmental responsibility. Its recognition by the Portuguese Engineers Association as an example of an Engineering XXI project reinforces its relevance.
By harnessing the power and energy of the wind, WindFloat Atlantic is building the path to a clean and renewable energy industry, while at the same time advancing job creation in coastal communities, catalysing investment in local infrastructure and promoting opportunities in the long-term supply chain, strengthening the sustainability of the industry in the country.
This occasion also celebrates the WindFloat Atlantic team’s work on initiatives that will provide a better understanding of the effects of floating structures on the marine environment and biodiversity of the sites where they are deployed. These endeavours pave the way for collaboration with various sectors of the blue economy, ranging from traditional to more innovative fields.
Commenting on the recognition during the visit, Fernando de Almeida Santos, Bastonário of the Portuguese Engineers Association, said: “We need more of these types of projects in Portugal, which maximise and highlight the best of national engineering.”
José Pinheiro, Country Manager South Europe at Ocean Winds and Project Director of WindFloat Atlantic, commented: “We are honoured that WindFloat Atlantic has been recognised as an
Engineering XXI project. This recognition reinforces our unwavering commitment to engineering innovation and sustainable solutions for Portugal’s energy transition, with a special focus on optimising local opportunities, both direct and indirect, such as jobs and infrastructure”.
This recognition is a testament to our ongoing commitment to sustainable development in the region and the country, as well as to excellence in engineering and floating technology. The wealth of experience gained since the launch of the WindFloat 1 pilot in 2011 and the start of WindFloat Atlantic project operations in 2020 are key to contributing to the knowledge accumulated by the WindFloat Atlantic team for the scalability of floating offshore wind energy to other regions in Portugal, and worldwide.